Specification (CP Standard)
Appearance White to pale yellow crystal powder
Melting point 227℃Water solubility 5.0g/ml
Content of Gebberellic(A3) ≥90.0%
Loss on drying (K.F.) ≤0.5 %
Specific optical rotation [α]20D ≥+80
Gibberellic acid is the growth adjustment of plant, it is used to improve the growth, prematurity and output of plant. It can break the dormancy of seed, tuber and bulb, and improve burgeon, growth and fruit rate. Especially, it has very good effect on crossbred rice. It is widely used on cotton, grape, tomato, fruit and vegetable.
- To regulate blossom of plants.
- To delay senscence and keep fresh of fruits;
- To promote growth of the vetative massin plants;
- To promote spouting of seedsby breaking dormancy;
- To promote fruit set and the formation of seedless fruits;
25kg/fiber drum
Gibberellic acid is safe to human and livestocks. The acute oral dosage to mice( LD50 ) > 15000m