China market-oriented 1,4-Dioxane price, wholesales 1,4-Dioxane price. If you want to find best 1,4-Dioxane price, TNJ Chemical is top 1,4-Dioxane suppliers from China. If you decide to buy 1,4-dioxane, TNJ Chemical can supply it with high quality and reasonable price. TNJ Chemical is professional chemical factory with 16 years history. Please contact if you want to find more.
Appearance Colorless transparent liquidIdentification Positive
Water, % ≤0.10
Acidity, % ≤0.01
Density, g/ml 1.030~1.03
Freezing Point, ℃ 10.50~12.0
Peroxide, % ≤0.005
Unvolatile substance, % ≤0.01
Aldehyde, % Complies with standard
Assay, % ≥99.50
1) It's a kind of solvent of synthetic leather of polyurethane and amino acid, resin-vegetable oil, mineral oil,pharmaceuticals, paint and dye, and a stabilizer of 1,1,1-trichloroethane.
2) It's also used for plasticizer and antioxidant.
3)It is mainly used in pharmaceutical, cosmetic, spice, special fine chemicals and other industries.
4)It can also be used as soluvent, reaction medium and extracting agent in scientific studies
200kg per plastic or iron drum.
16.0mt per 20ft containerStorage & Handling
Store in a segregated and approved area.Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area.
Keep container tightly closed and sealed until ready for use.
Avoid all possible sources of ignition (spark or flame).