TNJ Chemical provides database on CAS 107-46-0, including chemical name, synonyms, structure, formula, application etc, and also offers price quotation on CAS 107-46-0 different grades. If you want to buy 107-46-0, please feel free to contact
Hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDSO) CAS 107-46-0 is colorless clear liquid, non-toxic.
Appearance: Colorless transparent liquid
HMDS content: ≥99%Silanol: ≤1.0
Melting point : -68℃
Flashing point: -1℃
Refractive index: 1.3748
Density(25℃)g/cm3: 0.762-0.77
Boiling point: 100℃
Viscosity: 0.65
HMDSO is used as end plate agent, cleaning agent and release agent used in organic chemical and pharmaceutical medical manufacturing, in silicon oil and silicon rubber manufacturing; as raw material of silazane.
150 kg/steel drum,total 12.4 MT per 20ft container
Avoid open fire; should be preserved in ventilated and dry place; storage temperature: -50℃~45℃;
In transportation, avoid collision, rainfall;Storage period: 2 years