TNJ Chemical provides database on CAS 2527-66-4, including chemical name, synonyms, structure, formula, application etc, and also offers price quotation on CAS 2527-66-4 different grades. If you want to buy 2527-66-4, please feel free to contact
2-Methyl-1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one MBIT CAS 2527-66-4 is an off-white to light brown solid that is the active ingredient in a series of biocide.MBIT is active against bacteria, yeasts, and molds. It is used in biocide formulations for in-can preservation of aqueous technical products.
Specification of MBIT
Appearance White crystal
Assay,% 96.0 MinMelting point 51-54℃
Water,% 0.5 Max
Application of MBIT
2-Methyl-1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one (MBIT) is active against bacteria,yeasts,and molds.
MBIT is used in antimicrobial formulations for in-can preservation or preservatives for products during storage such as paints, plasters, adhesives, latex emulsions, tackifiers, mineral slurries, pigment dispersions,household products and other technical, water-based products.
MBIT is also used as working or cutting fluid preservative for preventing the growth of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi)
25kg/fiber drum
Storage & Transport
Stored in cool and airy place;away from fire and heat;handle with care;no breakage,avoid leakage.
It is valid for 2 years under proper condition.MBIT is classified as Dangerous Good for transport (UN 2811,Class 6.1,Packing group III)
Please refer to MSDS for more information about Safety,Storage and Transportation.