TNJ Chemical provides database on CAS 471-34-1, including chemical name, synonyms, structure, formula, application etc, and also offers price quotation on CAS 471-34-1 different grades. If you want to buy 471-34-1, please feel free to contact
Calcium carbonate is an inorganic compound, commonly known as limestone, limestone, stone powder, marble and so on. Main ingredients: calcite, chemical formula is CaCO, neutral, basically insoluble in water, soluble in hydrochloric acid. White solid, odorless and odourless. There are two forms of amorphous and crystalline forms. The crystalline type can be divided into orthorhombic and six square crystal systems, which are columnar or rhombic.
Nano calcium carbonate
Functional calcium carbonate
Light calcium carbonate
Superfine calcium carbonate
Calcium carbonate activated calcium oxide
Finished calcium carbonate
each type match different details specification
Mainly used in rubber, plastic, paper, ink and paint industry as a filler, and can be used for powder, toothpaste, cosmetics and other daily necessities.
Used in rubber, can effectively improve the compressive strength of the rubber products, wear resistance and anti extrusion strength; for plastic products, make the products surface is smooth, smooth, instead of part of PVC resin; used in paper, coated paper can improve the gloss, whiteness and opacity, improve the printability of paper, widely used extinction paper, no carbon copy paper, paper coated paper, white cardboard.