Where to Buy Paclobutrazol 95%TC 90%TC CAS 76738-62-0 China origin from top professional China Paclobutrazol 95%TC 90%TC CAS 76738-62-0 suppliers, factory & manufacturers with reliable quality. If you want to find good Paclobutrazol price, please mail to sales@tnjchem.com
Paclobutrazol is a kind of white crystal can dissolve in polarity organic solvent easily, such as ethanol, methanol and acetone etc, can not dissolve in water.
Agriclture PGR Paclobutrazol retard plant growth, inhibit stem elongation, shorten internodes, promote plant tillering, promote differentiation, increase plant resistance. Agriclture PGR Paclobutrazol increase production and other effects.
Application Plant
Wheat / Paddy / Orange / Rape / Apple tree / Grape / Peach tree / Cherry tree / Lychee/
Chestnut / Water melon / Tomato / Eggplant / Potatoes / Radish / Peanuts / Soybeans / flowers
Mode of actions
1) Inhibits the stem growth and breaks the apical dominance(can inhibit the generation of Gibberellic acid);
2) Inhibits the internodal elongation, resists to lodging;
3) Improves the abilities of stress tolerance
4) Promotes the lateral bud growth
5) Enhances or inhibits the photosynthesis, depends on the concentration
6) Improves the respiration intensity of root, slows down the respiration of aboveground parts of crops.
25kg/fiber drum or bag