Synonyms: Butylpotassiumxanthate
CAS No.: 871-58-9
EINECS: 212-808-2
Molecular Formula: C5H9KOS2
Molecular Weight: 188.35
Appearance Yellow or grey white Yellow or grey white
Active Component 90%Min 85%Min
Free Alkali 0.2%Max 0.5%Max
Moisture&Volatile 4.0%Max 10.0%Max
Solubility Soluble in water With no impurity Soluble in water With no impurity
Potassium butyl xanthate PBX is a most powerful collector with strong selectivity,widely used in the flotation treatment of sulfide ores,zinc ores and nickel ores,especially for the flotation treatment of Cu-Ni compound sulfide ore as well as gold mine associated with can also get satisfactory results when used in lead oxide copper ores.commonly used in the process of rough flotation and scavenging flotation.
Store in a dry, cool, well-ventilated area away from heat ,open flames, organic chemicals and light.